
Everyone talks about friendship but do we really apply the term in a meaningful way. Do we understand what friendship is about? I would like to say friendship is having people you can depend on and they can depend on you. Despite the struggles and the pains and the stupid things you do. A good friend is there for you. They eat your last piece of cake you wanted, they give support even when you don’t want it. They watch your back like a hawk just to ensure you are safe. They wish you well in your every endeavors, competition for attention is far from their cognition rather blessings and well wishes disperse from their lips. Genuine goodness evaporates and becomes their aura. True friends are like pearls in a shell so when you receive them, do all that you can to embrace and keep them. It is extremely important to know that you can trust and go to each other with any problems that may arise, even when the situation is embarrassing. True friendship is hinged on such loyalty.

A question of introspection: Can we really say we are a true friend?


I have often heard this term some may mention

it’s called desired path, it deals with dimensions.

If applied in our lives and even in organisations,

we will realize that sometimes the path we construct

are not really desired, and  we have to stop and deconstruct.

It would take some cognitive perspectives but those paths leads to success.

I am sure you have heard of the term ‘short cut’

a path preferred to reach a targeted goal.

Maybe it is to pay a bill, buy something, obtain a form

when done through desired path, the elimination of unnecessary

procedures, process and access dissipates into the operative word -easy

Yes that term we call ‘desired path’ reigns supreme when accepted as

part of the required change.


What is your desired path?